Where it all begins…
Hey there! Let me introduce myself… I am a mom with a new-found passion for adventure and home improvement. I have always had an interest in traveling, but never really saw it the way I do now. I grew up in the country riding horses, snowmobiles, quads and dirt bikes and couldn’t wait to get out of the country and move to the city. Fast forward a whole bunch of years and I am living my best life (not in the country), I’ve kicked cancer’s ass, I have a career that I love, a phenomenally supportive family, a great group of friends, two awesome daughters and three super cuddly dachshunds. Sounds pretty great right?
Did I mention it is 2020? In case you haven’t heard we are in the middle of a global pandemic. March 12, 2020, I booked a flight for a corona-cation because flights were cheap, and people were clearly overreacting to this (boy was I wrong). A couple of days later we were told to stay home for two weeks to flatten the curve. Two months later and we are still stuck in our house with no end in sight. This girl was getting a little stir crazy. Two months stuck in a house with an 8-year-old, three dogs, and a couple of twenty somethings was pushing this mama over the edge and something had to give.
I made a decision to get the hell out of Pittsburgh and have a little fun. Flying somewhere wasn’t really an option. Taking a bus or a train was a hard no. Staying in a hotel during a pandemic wasn’t really very practical either so, I did what any single female would do and packed up the kid and the car and went camping on an island.
This impulsive (and probably not the best thought out) adventure brought me back to a simpler time in my life. I learned to fully appreciate what is right in front of me and find the best in any situation by walking on the bright side. Now, as I continue to travel, explore, and seek adventure I invite you to ride shotgun on my journey.
Are you ready to start walking on the bright side?